Helping Homeowners Benefit from the 2023 Inflation Reduction Act

At Stephan Home Comfort, we believe in going the extra mile to provide our valued customers with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed decisions about their home comfort and energy efficiency. That’s why we are excited to share all you need to know about the 2023 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Our goal is to help you understand how this legislation can positively impact your home and finances.

With the IRA’s AC and heat pump rebates in Garden Grove, CA, and other energy-efficient incentives, we want to ensure you have the best opportunities to enhance your comfort, reduce your environmental footprint, and save money. Let’s dive in and explore how the IRA can benefit you and how Stephan Home Comfort can assist you in taking full advantage of these incredible opportunities.

Unlocking Opportunities for Homeowners

Under the IRA, homeowners have the opportunity to reduce their tax burden through AC rebates, heat pump rebates, and tax credits in Garden Grove, CA, for implementing energy-efficient upgrades in their homes. By making green upgrades, such as installing energy-efficient windows, doors, water heaters, furnaces, and heating and cooling systems, homeowners can benefit from these incentives.

Benefits for Homeowners

The IRA presents an opportunity for homeowners to take advantage of heat pump rebates, AC rebates, and tax credits in Garden Grove, CA, when making energy-efficient improvements to their homes. By reducing their tax bills, homeowners can save money while contributing to the fight against climate change. Some of the benefits offered by the IRA include:

Rebates and Tax Credits

 Homeowners can benefit from tax credits for energy-efficient upgrades, such as windows, doors, water heaters, furnaces, and heating and cooling systems. Each upgrade has its own tax credit, ranging from 30% of the total cost, with varying limits. For example:

  • Insulation: Up to $1,200 in tax credits.
  • Heat pumps: Up to $2,000 in tax credits.
  • New windows, water heaters, and natural gas furnaces: Up to $600 in tax credits.

Energy-Efficient Home Improvement Credit

Homeowners who upgrade their heating and cooling systems or retrofit their homes may be eligible for this credit. It covers the installation of energy-efficient doors, windows, skylights, insulation, and heat pumps, as well as the cost of a home energy audit and upgrades to electrical systems.

Residential Clean Energy Credit

 Homeowners who install residential clean energy units, such as solar panels, small-scale wind turbines, geothermal heat pumps, home battery storage, or fuel cell energy systems, may be eligible for this credit. Each installation has specific eligibility criteria and maximum credit limits.

How Stephan Home Comfort Can Help

Stephan Home Comfort, a trusted HVAC company located in Garden Grove, CA, is committed to assisting homeowners in taking full advantage of the benefits offered by the 2023 Inflation Reduction Act. With our expertise and knowledge, we can guide homeowners through the process of identifying potential upgrades, understanding the tax credits available in Garden Grove, CA, and executing the installations seamlessly. Our friendly and professional team is dedicated to ensuring that homeowners like you receive the maximum benefits from the IRA. So contact us today to learn more!