Furnace Duct Needs Cleaning in the Next HVAC Maintenance Service

Furnace Duct Needs Cleaning in the Next HVAC Maintenance Service

Your furnace air ducts have the role of circulating the air throughout your house. However, after years of use, the ducts may get dirty or have rodents and insects growing in them. The dirt and dust may affect members of your family, especially if there are some that suffer from allergies and respiratory problems such as asthma. Here are a few problems that point to a duct that requires a cleaning routine and HVAC maintenance service.

Mold Growth

Check for any visible mold growths in the duct or other parts of the furnace. Mold grows where there is an accumulation of moisture. The spores travel through the ducts with the air and enter your home. Mold is known to cause some respiratory illnesses. If mold has grown over large areas in the duct, it is recommended that you remove the particular part and replace it with a new one.

Rodent and Insect Infection

Rodents such as rats may live in the duct. Insects such as cockroaches may also make the ducts their hideouts. The duct should be cleaned thoroughly and all the breeding places cleared out.

Clogged Ducts

If your furnace is functioning well but the vents are not blowing out the air, the chances are that the ducts are clogged. Ducts may be clogged by dirt that has caked in, debris or even dead rodents.

Release of Dust Into Home from the Furnace Supply

If the furnace is blowing dust and debris into the home, it should be inspected and cleaned. Dust pollutes the indoor environment and causes respiratory problems.

A clean duct system relieves the symptoms of allergies, lowers the cost of heating, and reduces indoor air pollution. Environmental authorities recommend air duct inspection at least once every two years. A professional should do the HVAC Maintenance Service to prevent the risk of continuous release of dust after dislodging it from the walls.